Wednesday, November 17, 2010

elsa 水晶面膜(台湾生产)

产品名称:Elsa 竹炭+天然矿物质 水晶面膜

The product is prepared with natural plant extract and collage. It has good lightening and moisturizing function for dry,weary,loose,and aging skins. It will leave you fresh and moisturizing skin and make skin glow and luster


产品名称:Elsa 玫瑰水晶面膜

The product can help retain moisture for skin and restore natural .Particular rose component provides nutrient necessary for self-regeneration of damaged skin.The product can brighten skin and make up to the loss of skin dehydration and coarse skin due to staying up


产品名称:Elsa 芦荟胶原蛋白
产品功效:該產品含有豐富的膠原蛋白及保濕成分,營養成分的釋放為肌膚,吸收多餘的油脂,皮膚,避免皮膚 问题任何因油脂失衡。

The product contains abundant collagen and moisturizing element,which releases nutrient component for skin,absorbs redundant, grease of skin and avoids any skin problem due to grease unbalance.The product can make skin soft,bright and fair
产品名称:Elsa 冰海洋水晶面膜

The product contains nutrients good for skin. Particular moisturizing technology can make the nutrients absorbed by skin and keep skin moisturized for a long time.It can make skin fresh,moisturizing and white.For all skin types. Better effect after stored in refrigerator.


产品名称:Elsa 24K 黄金水晶面膜

24K Gold power used to be the beauty products for western royalties in ancient times. Which can keep skin revitalized.
Essential arbutin has been the most popular moisturizer in the world for the moment, which can keep normal water content in horny layer and slow down

产品名称:Elsa 黄金海藻水晶面膜

Seaweed is common skincare substance protein,fiber,vitamins,minerals and moisturizing elements.Which can absorb skin redundant oil,ensure normal skin oil balance,avoid skin problems due to excessive oil secretions and make skin fine and fresh without oil

产品名称:Elsa 熊果素水晶面膜

Arbutin extract and grape can improve the adaptive capacity od skin to external environment. avoid any discomfort and damage to skin due to climatic change or severe environment,increase the health of skin and keep skin tender.white and elastic


产品名称:Elsa 胶原蛋白水晶面膜

The product is prepared with natural plant extract and collage. It has good lightening and moisturizing function for dry,weary,loose,and aging skins. It will leave you fresh and moisturizing skin and make skin glow and luster.


产品名称:Elsa 葡萄红酒水晶面膜

A large amount of red wine polyphenois can restore skin luster and keep skin elasticity. It is especially applicable for dark skin. Skins wearing makeup for a long time and skin without natural luster. For all skin types


产品名称:Elsa 薰衣草水晶面膜

The product is prepared with particular lavender essential oil and plant extract liquid. It is easily absorbed by skin. It can moisturize and ease skin irritations due to sun burnt and wind blow and provide suffcient water and nutrient for skin. It can keep skin young. white and tender


  • 一片 RM4.00
  • 買5 送1 RM20(不包郵費,郵費RM6-7)
  • pos laju:500gm/RM6
  • pos express:RM4.50-RM6.00(5片水晶面膜)
  • 郵費都是根據物品重量計算的